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Image by Alexandr Podvalny

Join our Veggie Box program

From Our Farm to Your Doorstep

Farm Produces


Fresh Vegetables grown three seasons a year await you from Paradise Within Farm.
As a fledgling farm we’re inviting you to join our CSA (Community Supported Agriculture), where you, our neighbours/community, help support this farm by enrolling at the beginning of the season (before June). In return you receive a box of beautiful, healthy seasonal vegetables and fruits weekly. More details to follow.


Farmer's Market @ Ganges

Here on Salt Spring Island, we are blessed with a diverse and robust agricultural community. To be part of one (the smaller one) of our famous Ganges Farmers Markets, puts us in concert with many of Salt Spring's best farmers each week. Whether being of service to our loyal customers or simply the opportunity to mingle with our skilled and supportive farming neighbors, our Saturdays are always rewarding. We proudly offer a large selection of fruit, vegetables, preserves, flowers and perhaps soon, nuts.


Farm Stand

As soon as our first substantial harvest starts (some time in June) our farm stand opens. Locals and passersby come to shop in a non-commercial setting for organically grown farm fresh produce. The Paradise Within Farm grows on a yearly basis perennials; asparagus, apples, blueberries, elder berries, plums, cherries, figs, hay, nuts, raspberries, strawberries. Our annuals crop includes, basil, beans, carrots, cauliflower, cucumbers, eggplant, garlic, kale, lettuce, leeks, onions, melons, peppers (hot/sweet), potatoes, many varieties of squash,  and tomatoes. Whether being of service to our loyal customers or simply the opportunity to mingle with our skilled and supportive farming neighbors, our Saturdays are always rewarding. We proudly offer a large selection of fruit, vegetables, preserves, flowers and perhaps soon, nuts.

Farm Produces

Veggie Box

Fresh Vegetables grown three seasons a year await you from Paradise Within Farm.
As a fledgling farm we’re inviting you to join our Veggie Box Program, where you, our neighbours/community, help support this farm by enrolling at the beginning of the season (before June). In return you receive a box of beautiful, healthy seasonal vegetables and fruits weekly. More details to follow.


Farmer's Market in Ganges

Here on Salt Spring Island, we are blessed with a diverse and robust agricultural community. To be part of one (the smaller one) of our famous Ganges Farmers Markets, puts us in concert with many of Salt Spring's best farmers each week. Whether being of service to our loyal customers or simply the opportunity to mingle with our skilled and supportive farming neighbors, our Saturdays are always rewarding. We proudly offer a large selection of fruit, vegetables, preserves, flowers and perhaps soon, nuts.


Farm Stand

As soon as our first substantial harvest starts (some time in June) our farm stand opens officially. Locals and passersby come to shop in a non-commercial setting for organically grown farm fresh produce and eggs. The Paradise Within Farm grows on a yearly basis perennials; asparagus, apples, blueberries, elder berries, cherries, figs, hay, nuts, raspberries, strawberries.


Our annuals crop includes, basil, beans, carrots, cauliflower, cucumbers, eggplant, garlic, kale, lettuce, leeks, onions, melons, peppers (hot/sweet), potatoes, many varieties of squash and tomatoes. Whether being of service to our loyal customers or simply the opportunity to mingle with our skilled and supportive farming neighbours, our Saturdays are always rewarding. We proudly offer a large selection of fruit, vegetables, preserves, flowers and perhaps soon, nuts.

255 Musgrave Road
Salt Spring Island, BC V8K 1V5

Farm Stand
Operating Hours

Mon - Fri: 8am - 8pm

​​Sat - Sun: 10am - 8pm

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